How to Improve From a Beginner to an Intermediate in Pickleball
HOW TO IMPROVE FROM A BEGINNER TO AN INTERMEDIATE IN PICKLEBALL is a pickleball book to learn how to master pickleball strategy and skills and level up from a beginner to an intermediate player. Finally, a book that teaches how pickleball is played!
This is the only book on pickleball with links to videos using QR codes, so you can watch the videos while reading the book. Here are some of the pickleball fundamentals covered in the book:
- The difference between the ready position at the kitchen line vs. the baseline
- Tracking the ball off your opponent’s paddle
- Improving on all your pickleball shots
- Pickleball official rules
- Patience at the NVZ and keeping the rally going with your soft game
- Attacking only shots in your green zone when at the non-volley-zone
- A variety of pickleball serves but being conservative and striving for 100% accuracy
- Hitting topspin and backspin, and how to return spin shots
- Pickleball strategy doubles
- Links to over 150 videos and articles by the best pickleball teachers in the world.
This pickleball book is a step-by-step guide, providing pickleball tips for intermediate players, that will advance your skill development and techniques with practice drills and training that follow a path of progression to take you from beginner to advanced. You will learn strategies and tips for improvement, especially in the transition game so that your competence and confidence as a pickleball player will improve as you learn.
So what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of HOW TO IMPROVE FROM A BEGINNER TO AN INTERMEDIATE IN PICKLEBALL today and start your journey to becoming a more competitive Pickleball player!

What They Are Saying
Charlotte, Bronx, NY
I read the Kindle version of Bob’s first book, which was very helpful because I wanted to start playing pickleball, but kept putting it off. Reading the book got me motivated to take lessons. There is so much practical information in this book! I especially liked the Facebook posts about how to advance from beginner to intermediate. They were funny. Every beginner, I’m sure, can relate to them.
Heidi, Rockville, MD
Bob’s book has a lot of valuable information for anyone who has just started playing pickleball. The way he uses QR codes in the paperback is amazing. When you come across a video, you can open it and watch it on your computer or cell phone while reading the book.
Sonia, Eugene, OR
The first book, the paperback version, which didn’t have QR codes was very disappointing. I had to buy the PDF version so I could open the videos. Putting QR codes in this book was genius. It’s so easy to follow everything. The book is very long with lots of information. I learned so much. I’m a beginner, who has taken lessons, and some of the tips were things that I had not heard before and were fairly easy to start using in games.
Justin, Montclair, NJ
I’m a beginner, but I have started playing in a local park a few evenings a week. I’m getting better, but nowhere near as good as I want to be. I bought the PDF off Bob’s website and skimmed through it real quick, then decided to start at the back with the tips from the pros. I picked up a lot of pointers just from these interviews. Then I read the book from beginning to end, and I watched most of the videos. I’ve recommended the book to several friends who are beginners like myself. Hopefully, they’ll enjoy it as much as I did.
Stan, Bakersfield, CA
I loved the book, especially the section at the end, where Bob pulled from his interviews on YouTube. A lot of pearls of wisdom from the pros that I have been able to try in games. So valuable!
Mary Ellen, Morris Township, NJ
I played pickleball with Bob several times over the past two summers, and I couldn’t wait to read his book. I read his first book. This book has so much information that it took me a long time to get through it and watch all the videos. I learned so much! It really helped me improve my game.
Dominic, Phila., PA
Excellent book! Lots of really good information. Bob’s commentaries on the videos added a lot to the book. It is apparent Bob put a lot of himself into the book.