The Split-Step is a small but critical footwork technique for playing better pickleball.

The Split Step in Pickleball: Improve Your Game with This Essential Technique

The split step is an essential technique in pickleball that can help you improve your footwork, timing, reaction time, accuracy, speed, positioning, and balance. By incorporating the split step into your game, you can take your pickleball game to the next level. What is the split step? The split step is a quick, two-footed hop

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Strength Training in Pickleball

Strength Training for Pickleball Players: Benefits and Tips

Pickleball is a fast-paced sport that requires a lot of movement. As such, it’s important to have a strong body in order to play effectively. Strength can help you hit harder shots, move faster, and avoid injuries. Benefits of strength training for pickleball players: If you’re looking to improve your pickleball game, strength training is

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