Pickleball for Seniors

How Seniors Can Improve Their Pickleball Serve

Pickleball has swiftly ascended as a beloved sport among seniors, celebrated for its sociability, lower impact on the body, and the joy it brings to those who play. As a certified pickleball instructor and author of six books on this engaging sport, my journey has taken me from organizing tournaments to facilitating pickleball as a team-building activity. In this detailed exploration, we will focus on an essential aspect of the game: improving the pickleball serve for seniors. Mastery in serving can significantly enhance gameplay, ensuring both safety and competitive edge.

Understanding the Basics of a Good Serve

The serve in pickleball is the gateway to every point; hence, mastering it is crucial. For seniors, it’s not just about power but also precision, consistency, and safety. A good serve sets the tone for the rally, putting the opponent on the defensive from the outset.

Techniques for a Stronger Serve

  1. Stance and Grip: Begin with a comfortable, balanced stance. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with knees slightly bent. Hold the paddle with a continental grip, akin to shaking hands with it, to allow for a versatile range of motion.
  2. The Swing: Focus on a smooth, fluid swing. The motion should originate from your shoulder, flowing through your forearm, and finally, the paddle. This ensures less strain on any single part of your arm, reducing the risk of injury.
  3. Point of Contact: Aim to hit the ball at its highest point that is still comfortable for you. This maximizes the potential for a deeper serve, making it more challenging for your opponent to return.
  4. Serving Strategies: Experiment with different types of serves such as the soft serve, which lands near the kitchen line, forcing your opponent forward, or the deep serve, pushing them back to the baseline. Variety in your serving strategy can keep your opponent guessing and off-balance.

Incorporating Exercises to Strengthen Your Serve

  1. Shoulder Strength and Flexibility: Exercises like arm circles, shoulder stretches, and light resistance training can improve your range of motion and strength, crucial for a powerful serve.
  2. Core Stability: A strong core enhances balance and power in your serve. Incorporate exercises such as planks and gentle twist movements to build core strength.
  3. Wrist Flexibility: Your wrist’s flexibility contributes to the control and spin you can impart on the ball. Wrist curls and extensions with light weights can enhance this flexibility.

Safety and Injury Prevention

As we age, the risk of injury increases, making it paramount to focus on safety during play. Warm up thoroughly before playing, focusing on dynamic stretches that mimic game movements. Pay attention to your body’s signals. If a particular serving style causes discomfort, consider adapting your technique or consulting with a professional for personalized advice.

Practice Makes Perfect

Improvement comes with consistent practice. Dedicate time to practice your serve, focusing on technique, power, and placement. Utilize drills that mimic game situations to build confidence and skill.


For seniors seeking to improve their pickleball serve, focusing on technique, incorporating strengthening exercises, and prioritizing safety can lead to significant advancements in their game. The journey to mastering the serve is a personal one, filled with challenges and triumphs. Remember, the essence of pickleball lies in enjoyment and the community it builds. Keep practicing, stay safe, and above all, enjoy the game.

For those inspired by the benefits and community spirit of pickleball and looking to dive deeper into mastering the game, “Pickleball for Seniors” is an essential read. Authored by a seasoned pickleball instructor and enthusiast, Bob Savar, this book offers comprehensive strategies, tips, and insights tailored specifically for seniors. Whether you’re picking up a paddle for the first time or seeking to refine your skills, “Pickleball for Seniors” will guide you through every step of your journey. Enhance your game and embrace the joy of pickleball by exploring Pickleball for Seniors.