Mistakes made by beginning pickleball players

Common Beginner Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

As I am revising Pickleball for Beginners Part I, I came across an excellent video for beginners, called 6 Common Pickleball Mistakes New Players Make (And How to Avoid Them) with CJ Johnson from Better Pickleball. Johnson identifies six pickleball mistakes you may not even know you’re making, and how to avoid them. This is a terrific video that every beginning pickleball should watch.

Mistakes (you can watch the video to see how to fix these):

  1. Bad grip
  2. Poor footwork 
  3. Long swing
  4. Trying to do too much too soon
  5. Trying to attack shots that are not attackable
  6. Staying at the baseline

This blog post about the mistakes that many beginning pickleball players make comes from an instructional video that is in the revised version of Pickleball for Beginners. You will find similar helpful videos in both of my books, Pickleball for Beginners Parts I and II. I hope you get a chance to read my books. You can download a PDF at my website or purchase a Kindle or paperback on Amazon.