Dave Weinbach teaching an unattackable dink shot in pickleball

How to Hit Unattackable Dinks with Dave Weinbach

As many of you will recall if you have ever taken a pickleball lesson or clinic with me, I explain the perfect dink and drop shot as a shot that cannot be attacked. In other words, the perfect dink — hit from anywhere on the court — is a drop shot, and the perfect drop needs to be unattackable, meaning that your opponent should not be able to hit down on the ball, but rather must hit up on it in a defensive manner.

As you can see when watching this video with Dave Weinbach, my instruction is not original. I learned it from this and other videos by Dave Weinbach as well as from other teaching professional pickleball teachers. In this video, “Weinbach shows us how to consistently hit dinks that keep you in an offensive position up at the kitchen line without having to worry about getting attacked by your opponents. Dave is a US Open and National Champion so he certainly knows what he’s talking about when it comes to playing winning pickleball.”

All the posts in this blog are meant to add meaning and value to my books, which include dozens of videos with extensive commentary and explanations. But, as you can imagine, pickleball play is changing on a daily basis.: new doubles strategy, new ways to teach the many strokes, new equipment including paddles and shoes, new third shot options, and so much more.

This blog post with Dave Weinbach will help you with your dinking and your third shot drops. You will find multiple videos in my two books, Pickleball for Beginners Parts I and II, about how to perfect these shots. My books are packed with valuable YouTube video links that will help you improve your game.