Pickleball player cross-training for enhanced performance

The Unbeatable Advantages of Cross-Training for Pickleball Players


Pickleball, a sport that melds elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, is capturing hearts worldwide. However, excelling in this rapidly growing sport demands more than practice on the pickleball court. Cross-training offers a variety of benefits that can make you a better player.

Why Cross-Training Is Essential for Pickleball

Cross-training involves participating in different types of physical exercise to improve overall performance. For pickleball players, this could mean incorporating weight lifting, swimming, or yoga into your routine.

  • Enhanced Endurance: Cross-training activities like running or swimming can increase your stamina, enabling you to play longer matches without fatigue.
  • Muscle Balance: Different sports use different muscle groups. Cross-training can help balance muscle development, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Mental Resilience: The mental aspect of cross-training can also help you improve your focus and strategic thinking in pickleball.

Cross-Training Activities Suitable for Pickleball

Various cross-training activities are suitable for pickleball players. Each offers unique benefits:

  • Weight Training: Lifting weights can improve your strength and power, which is crucial for smashing and serving.
  • Cycling: An excellent cardiovascular exercise that strengthens your leg muscles, aiding in swift lateral movements on the court.
  • Yoga: Flexibility and balance are critical in pickleball, and yoga is perfect for improving bo

How to Incorporate Cross-Training into Your Routine

Here’s how you can add cross-training to your regular schedule without overexerting yourself:

  • Set Goals: Know what you want to achieve with cross-training. It could be endurance, strength, or better mental focus.
  • Choose the Right Activities: Pick exercises to help you reach your goals.
  • Start Slow: It’s vital not to rush into a rigorous routine. Begin with lighter activities and gradually move to more strenuous ones.


  • Is cross-training essential for pickleball players? While not strictly necessary, it offers many benefits, such as improved endurance, strength, and mental resilience.
  • What types of cross-training are best for pickleball players? Weight training, cycling, and yoga are excellent options.
  • How often should I cross-train? Two to three times a week is generally a good frequency.


Cross-training provides numerous advantages for pickleball players, from injury prevention to skill enhancement. Incorporate it into your routine to experience holistic improvement in your game.

The information in this blog post comes from my research and experience playing pickleball and can be found in my books — HOW TO GET STARTED PLAYING PICKLEBALL, HOW TO IMPROVE FROM BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE IN PICKLEBALL, and PICKLEBALL FOR SENIORS — all available on Amazon. I hope you learn something from this post that you can take onto the courts to help you improve your game.